
Below is a table indicating some of the acquisition based geophysical projects that I have been involved with (Note: this table now does render on mobile devices as well as tablets and laptops – updated code in Jan 2020). Software packages that I routinely use are listed here. Not included are the analysis, interpretation and reporting projects which are the projects where I tend to use and develop the tools and concepts presented on this web site.

Geoscience software packages that I use include; SMT Kingdom Suite and Sesmic Direct (versions 8.6 to 2018), SAGA GIS, QGIS, DraftSight (CAD), CODA Geosurvey, Seisee, Seismic Unix, Geosuite AllWorks, SonarWiz, GeoCap, Fledermaus, Global Mapper, RadExPro, and Promax (for QC).

Non geophysical software that I regularly use includes; PyCharm, Lazarus, Visual Studio, InkScape, PaintShop Pro, Gimp, SQLite, CloudCompare, WinHex, vim, lftp, and Microsoft Office. I am very familiar with all flavours of Windows and have several Linux boxes running openSUSE.